Soil & Water
District Technician: Mitch Thompson
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 336-694-4162 ext 3
Senior Administrative Specialist: Tonya Wingate
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 336-694-4162 ext 3
Mailing Address: PO Box 96
Yanceyville, NC 27379
126 Court Square
Room 204
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
What We Do
Caswell Soil & Water District is a governmental subdivision of the State of North Carolina organized to exercise public powers conferred under provisions of the Soil & Water Conservation Law of North Carolina. Our responsibility within Caswell County is to conserve the soil, water, and related natural resources.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service works hand-in-hand with the district to provide personnel and technical assistance to farmers, individuals, groups, organizations or units of government in Caswell County.
Examples of technical assistance include planning aid given in agricultural land use, grassland management, wildlife, recreation, woodland, and other uses of the land. Experts in agronomy, biology, forestry, soils and engineering are available through this agency. A major mission of this office is to reduce erosion of soil and improve water quality.
The Caswell Soil & Water Conservation District exists to serve the public and to ensure a healthy and productive environment. To this end, its task is to safeguard land, water, and related resources for the benefit for future generations. ​
Soil & Water District Board
Meetings are the second Monday of every month at 5:30pm.
Amanda Hancock, Chairman
Lynn Massey, Vice Chair
Joan Slade, Secretary/Treasurer
Sarah Chapman
Andrew Ward