
Check back often for information on programs and events.
Phone: (336) 694-1725
Fax: (336) 694-1726​
Contact: Tonya Terrell
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: 339 Wall Street, Office 404 , Yanceyville, NC 27379
Physical Location: 339 Wall Street, Office 404, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation:
The mission of the Caswell County Youth Outreach/Enrichment Program is to hold youth accountable for their actions and provide services to help build strong character, which helps youth realize their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders.
The Caswell County Youth Outreach/Enrichment Program is managed under the Caswell County Sheriff’s Department and sponsored by the Caswell County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) and the NC Department of Public Safety Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice.
Teen Court
Teen Court is an alternative system of justice which offers juvenile offenders an opportunity to take responsibility for their offenses through community service and other educational opportunities.
Teen Court also provides a “hands on” educational experience for student volunteers in our justice system. Teen Court does not determine guilt or innocence; rather, it recommends a constructive sanction for the juvenile defendant that admits their responsibility. Teen Court is for youth whose referring behavior constitutes a violation of the law or misdemeanor, but not an offense prohibited by N.C. General Statute.
Referral priority is given to Juvenile Court followed by referrals from School Resource Officers and Law Enforcement. District Court referrals for juveniles, less than 18 years old can be considered based on program capacity.
Teen Tiers
Tier 1 is Sentencing Circles. This is for youth 8 – 18 who are first time offenders or repeat offenders in elementary school. Sentencing Circles include those harmed by an offense, those who committed the offense, and the community to determine the most effective response to promote healing and safety for everyone.
Tier 2 is for middle & high school youth who have not successfully completed Tier 1 or have reoffended. A juvenile referred to Teen Court Tier 2 appears before a jury of peers and is defended and prosecuted by peers. Youth may or may not be involved with Juvenile Justice.
Tier 3 is for middle & high school youth who have not successfully completed Tier 2 or have reoffended. A juvenile referred to Teen Court Tier 3 appears before a jury of peers and is defended and prosecuted by peers. Youth must be involved with Juvenile Justice.
Community Service/Restitution
Community Service/Restitution provides opportunities for juveniles to be accountable for their actions to the community and/or to victim(s) through performing supervised community service work and/or a monetary payment.
The program provides opportunities for the youth to engage in civic, community, and social responsibilities while incorporating a service learning model to reduce recidivism and delinquent behaviors. The program encourages positive community involvement, vocational exploration, and rehabilitation workshops. It also raises community awareness of how crimes affect the whole community. The juvenile’s age, skills, and ability is considered when making a community service assignment.
Youth ages 6 – 17 can be referred. Priority is given to referrals from Juvenile Court for youth that are adjudicated delinquent, undisciplined or under diversion contracts or plans. Referrals are also received from Teen Court.