Boards &
ABC Board
Oversee operations of ABC System and carry out the ABC laws. Adopt rules for ABC System subject to the approval of the ABC Commission. Hire/fire ABC employees. Advise Administrator. ( 3 year terms)
3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. – ABC Office
Tony Mitchell, Chairman
Graham Dailey
Jon A. Crispin
C. Keith Tatum
Wayne Barker
Agricultural Advisory Committee
To promote agricultural values and general welfare of the county. Specifically, increase identity and pride in the agricultural community and its way of life; encourage the economic and financial health of agriculture; and increase protection from non-farm development and other negative impacts on properly managed farms.
Committee Duties include:
Review and approve applications for qualified farmland and voluntary agricultural districts and make recommendations concerning the establishment and modification of agricultural district;
Conduct public hearings;
Advise the Board of Commissioners on projects, programs or issues affecting the agricultural economy or activities within the county that will affect agricultural districts;
Review and make recommendations concerning proposed amendments to this ordinance;
Study additional methods of farmland preservation and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners; and
Perform other agricultural related tasks or duties assigned by the Board of Commissioners.
Meets 3rd Thursday of the third month of each quarter at 7:00 p.m. at the Planning Department office.
Lucas Bernard
Bryan Singleton
B. Allen Smith
Matthew Solomon
Kin Watlington
William B. Vernon
Tim Yarbrough (ex-officio)
Board of Adjustment
Quasi-judicial decisions: Hears zoning appeals, variances, special and conditional use permits.
Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month if needed at 2:00 p.m. at the Planning Department Conference Room
Nikki S. Turner, Chair
William Vernon
David Barker
Lester Chapman
Jimmy Cole
Board of Adjustment
Board of Adjustment

Board of Adjustments June 20, 2023

Board of Adjustment July 19, 2022

Board of Adjustments Meeting Feb 15, 2022
Board of Education
Meets 2nd and 4th Mon each month at 6:30 p.m. – Bartlett Yancey Admin. Bldg.
Mel O. Battle, Chairman
Vennie Beggarly, Vice-Chairperson
Gladys Garland
Trudy Blackwell
Nicole Smith
Tracy Stanley
Joel Lillard
JoAnna Gwynn, Schools Superintendent
Board of Elections
Maintain current and accurate voter files, voter registration, educate the voting public, providing the best possible services and conduct efficient, fair, honest and impartial elections.
Normally the Third Tuesday of Each Month 5:30 pm at the Board of Elections office (Unless otherwise posted)
Larry Cowan, Chair
Yvonne Saul, Secretary
Dora Ward
Elwood Dodson
David Hester
Board of Health
Serves as the policy-making, rule-making, and adjudicatory body for the County Health Department. Has the responsibility to protect and promote the public health and adopts rules necessary for that purpose. 11 members appointed by the Board of Commissioners according to categories (General Public, Physician, Dentist, Optometrist, Veterinarian, Registered Nurse, Pharmacist, County Commissioner, Professional Engineer). Appoints a local Health Director. (3 year terms).
Meets 4th Tuesday of each month except August & December at 6:30 p.m. – Health Dept.
Shannon Moretz, Chair
Adam Evans, Vice Chair
Howard Holderness Jr.
Amanda Everett
Michael Komondy
Alexia K. Watlington
Michelle Gaskins
Jessica "Michelle" King-Stamps
Patricia Price Lea
Commissioner David Wrenn
Caswell County Adult Advisory Council
To improve the quality of life of senior adults in Caswell County by advocating for their needs through planning, promoting participation, and providing a comprehensive, integrated network of services.
Meets 4th Tuesday of each quarter - 10:00 a.m. - Senior Center
Sylvia Banks, Chair
Annie R. Lea, Vice Chair
Bettie Lea Knight, Secretary
Marilyn Corbett
Barbara Ann Jefferies
Cynthia Perkins
Gwendolyn Lunsford
Yolanda Lynn Simpson
Kim Johnson, Ombudsman
Adrienne Calhoun
Lucinda Wilson
Michelle Waddell
Ethel Gwynn, Commissioner
E-911 Board
To set policies, procedures, and funding guidelines. Appropriate 911 monies in accordance with NCGS 62A-12.
Meets as needed. (No term limits). All positions are Mandated.
Vernon Massengill, Fire Marshall
Barry Lynch, EMS Director
Sheriff Tony Durden
Brian Massey, Town of Yanceyville
Town of Milton Representative
Frank Rose, Commissioner
Clayton Myers
Renee Paschal, County Manager
Melissa Miller, Finance Officer
Kenneth Everett, 911 Director
Yanceyville Postmaster
Farmer Lake Board
To work with the Recreation Director and Farmer Lake Warden to plan and promote recreational activities and opportunities on Farmer Lake for the citizens of Caswell County. (4 year term).
Meets 1st Thursday of each quarterly at 6:00 p.m. – Co-Square
Brandi C. Mathis, Chairman
Jamie Henderson
Jerry W. Sykes
David Owen
Terry Harrelson
Vennie Beggarly
Donna G. Maskill
Kenneth Boles
Renee Paschal, County Manager (ex-officio)
Charlie King, Lake Warden (ex-officio)
Finch Holt, Commissioner
Hunting & Wildlife Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Caswell County Hunting & Wildlife Committee shall be to consider issues referred to it by the Caswell County Board of Commissioners or County Manager and make suggestions for possible local regulation and programs as well as statewide or local legislative changes to be requested from the North Carolina General Assembly. In making its recommendations, the committee shall seek to promote safe and sensible hunting practices, enhance the enjoyment and economic opportunity of outdoor hunting sports and focus public attention and energies on wildlife preservation efforts in Caswell County. This committee shall take into consideration and attempt to harmonize in a practical way the range of competing views and interests among Caswell County citizens and balance various hunting perspectives with landowner interests, wildlife conservation needs, public safety concerns, existing regulatory requirements and the public interest.
Meets 2nd Tuesday of each quarter at 6:00 p.m. at Co-Square.
Kelsey Langley
Steve Harris
Finch Holt (alternate), Commissioner
Sgt Justin Mathis, NC Wildlife Commission
Renee Paschal, County Manager
Commissioner David Wrenn
Jury Commission
To review the statutorily required lists (DMV, Voter Registration) to compose a two year list of jurors for service. 3 members: 1 appointed by Board of Commissioners, 1 member appointed by the Resident Superior Court Judge and 1 member appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court. Appointees must be qualified voters of Caswell County. (2 year terms)
Meets as needed every two years.
Ethel Gwynn
Lynn Massey
Dianne Moorefield
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
To provide alternatives to youth offenders in lieu of being assigned to detention facilities.
Meets 1st Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. – Gunn Memorial Library.
Renee Paschal, County Manager
Jennifer O'Briant, Caswell County Schools
Racquel Hughes, DSS
Arneisha Crossen (Intern), Court Counselor
Laura Sharp, Vaya Health
Sheriff Tony Durden
Jennifer Eastwood, Health Director
Ethel Gwynn, Commissioner
Cynthia Claiborne
Sylvia Banks,
Brenda Day
Aisha Gwynn
Gwen Vaughn
Lisa Anderson
Library Advisory Board
The Library Advisory Board is appointed by the Caswell Board of County Commissioners to serve as a liaison between the library and its citizens. The board advises the library director and staff in matters related to the library and its services. In addition, the Advisory Board works to represent the library for all the citizens of the community and provide services that promote learning, creativity, personal and professional development as well as serving recreational needs. The Library Advisory Board further purposes to support the library staff in developing specific programs tailored for young children, youth and adults. The Advisory Board is made up of seven county residents who will serve a three-year term and meet on a quarterly basis.
The Library Board meets in the Library meeting room.
Tony Smith - Liaison to County Commissioners
Local Emergency Planning Committee
This Committee is a requirement of Sara Title III legislation. To address the hazardous materials and community right-to-know.
Meets when needed.
Barry Lynch, Emergency Services Director
Sheriff Tony Durden
Vernon Massengill, Fire Marshall
Jennifer Eastwood, Health Director
JoAnna Gwynn, Schools Superintendent
Caswell Messenger Representative
Renee Paschal, County Manager
Dianne Moorefield, DSS Director
Town of Yanceyville Representative
Travis Hoesli, Agriculture Extension
John Yarbrough, Emergency Services Operations Manager
Melissa Williamson, CATS Director
Jeannine Everidge, United Way Representative
Justin Thacker, Finance Director
Kenneth Everett, 911 Director
Donnie Powell, Environmental Health Director
Aubrey Fuqua, Solid Waste Director
Finch Holt, Commissioner
Person-Caswell Lake Authority
To control development and maintain the recreational potential of Hyco Lake.
Meets 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. –Hyco Lake Marina
Josh Atwater, Chairman
Barry Joyce, Secretary/Treasurer
Planning Board
The responsibility of the Planning Board is to administer and interpret ordinances.
It shall be the duty of the Planning Board, in general:
To prepare and from time to time amend and review a comprehensive and coordinated plan for the physical development of the area.
To establish principles and policies for guiding action in the development of the area.
To prepare and recommend to the Board of Commissioners ordinances promoting orderly development of the county’s land use.
To determine whether specific proposed development conforms to the principles and requirements of the Land Use Plan for the growth and improvement of the area.
To keep the Board of Commissioners and the general public informed and advised as to these matters.
To perform any other duties which may lawfully be assigned to it.
This Board hears and decides:
Petitions to Amend County/Zoning Ordinances
Petitions to Amend Zoning District maps
Special and Conditional Use Applications
Plats and/or Subdivision
Citizens' Concerns and Inputs
Meets 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at the Gunn Memorial Public Library.
Ron Richmond - Chairman
Jason Daniel - Vice-Chairman
Antonio W. Foster
Sam Butler
Scott Oakley
Russell Lynn Lunsford
Stephen Harris
Stephen Thompson
Commissioner Tim Yarbrough (ex-officio)
Renee Paschal, County Manager (ex-officio)
Environmental Health Specialist (ex-officio)
Chief Building Inspector (ex-officio)
Jason Watlington, County Planner (ex-officio)
Regional Economic Development Commission
Serves as the Caswell County Regional Economic Development Commission.
Meets 2nd Monday of each mo. 1:00 PM - Yanceyville Town Hall
Caswell County Representatives
Dr. Elin Claggett
Finch Holt
Thomas Goddard
Renee Paschal, County Manager
Town of Yanceyville Representatives
Alvin Foster, Chairman
Ruby Graves
Emily Buchannon
Kamara Barnett, Town Manager
Town of Milton Representatives
Shirley Cadmus
Jackie Jefferies
Shirley Wilson
Dr. Pamela Senegal, PCC President
Senior Center Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee provides input regarding the overall operation of the Senior Center. In support of the mission, the committee raises funds to be used at their discretion to provide needed equipment or services not currently funded.
3rd Monday of each month, at 9:00 am at the Senior Center
Betty Blackwell
Cynthia Claiborne
Ethel Gwynn
Sherry Holt
Brenda Long
Yolanda Simpson
Alexia K. Watlington
Laura Prichardo
Social Services Board
To appoint County Director of Social Services. To advise County authorities in developing policies and plans to improve the social conditions of the community. To consult with the DSS Director about problems relating to the office and to assist in planning budgets for the County Department of Social Services. To transmit or present the budgets of the Department of Social Services for public assistance, social services, and administration to the Board of Commissioners. To have such other duties and responsibilities as the General Assembly, Department of Human Resources, Social Services Commission, and Board of County Commissioners may assign to it.
Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. – DSS Conference Room
Greg Ingram, Commissioner
Bonnie Byrd
Dorothy McCain
Ethel Gwynn, Commissioner
Marcea Foster
Soil & Water District Board
2nd Monday of each Month at 5:30pm
Amanda Hancock - Chairman
Lynn Massey - Vice Chair
Joan Slade, Secretary/Treasurer
Sarah Chapman
Andrew Ward
Tourism Development Authority
To promote the growth of tourism.
Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at CoSquare
Imtiaz Ammed
Rebecca Page
Mindy Stinner
Angela Daniel-Upchurch
Kamara Barnett
Transportation Advisory Board
To evaluate present and potential transportation ridership and other aspects of transportation for the elderly, handicapped, and other eligible and/or needy people.
Meets 4th Friday of each quarter at 9:00 a.m. – CATS Building
Jeannine Everidge, Chairman
Sandra Hudspeth, Caswell Partnership for Children
Tonya Breedlove-Moye, DSS
Michelle Waddell, DSS
Dianne Moorefield, DSS Director
Commissioner Tim Yarbrough
Jan Oldenburg, Senior Services
Edna Brown, Piedmont Community College
Brenda Day
Melissa Williamson, CATS Director
Renee Paschal, County Manager (ex-officio)